Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Alice: Madness Returns

Originally all I wanted to draw were her eyes but I got a little carried away. This is the first picture I've successfully drawn in colour. I used lead, charcoal and paint. I love her eyes! 

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

"Alice Madness Returns" Inspired Box

 "Alice Madness Returns" front cover - not drawn by me
                                                                           My Box
Uses ideas from the game such as - time, blood, playing cards, keyhole (from the first room) and the spoon (from the tea party).

Chris O'Dowd

Roy (IT crowd), Officer Rhodes (Bridesmaids), Simon (The Boat that Rocked)

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Hot Air Balloons

Still a working progress as I have not finished the balloon to the left but its half done :)

I would like to say being exposed to the works by my fellow workers at Fred I was inspired to do this..... also, thank you mum, for your advise, inspiration, materials you allowed me to use and teaching me new techniques so I could make this :)

Tuesday, 31 May 2011


I found this picture I drew last year and remembered how much I loved it. Cohen I hope you don't mind me putting this up

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Lady Bug

 This is a really small picture for me...I usually hate miniatures but its not too bad (5x5cm)

Friday, 4 March 2011

Tim Burton Inspired

I love Tim Burton's work and these were done not long after seeing his exhibition, which was mind-blowingly amazing and inspirational.

Idea from "stain boy"

"The Pumkin king" inspired

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Occasionally I don't know what to draw so I scribble and here it is....

Saturday, 26 February 2011

James Mcavoy

This is James Mcavoy, you may remember him from such films as: Wanted, Becoming Jane, Penelope, Atonement, The Last King of Scotland and many more. He reminds me of a young Edward Norton another greatly admired actor. This picture was completed with lead and I am convinced that this is my element.



        This is one of my favourite drawing. Completed with lead pencil I think it show potential and talent. I loved drawing "Dustfinger" a character from "Inkheart" played by Paul Bettany. I did struggle to draw Gwin his pet but otherwise I think it turned out pretty good. I loved drawing the tone on this clothes and face and I absolutely adore the dimension it show.

This is the image I drew from. Just in case you were wondering.



         This is my boyfriends hand. I hope he doesn't mind I'm sharing this. I love the texture and tones of hands. They are always a challenge to draw especially in ink but it makes for a fun train trip home.


        This is my own hand. It not easy to draw yourself as one is often critical of ones self and I also fig-git a lot as a draw so that always makes things difficult, a moving subject, especially when drawing in ink.
        I was holding the corner of the page I was drawing on and I was going to continue to draw my other hand drawing my hand but did not want to ruin my picture once I had got this far. Maybe next time.



Ink and watercoloured painted by me. I mentioned in a previous post I was experimenting with different mediums and this is one of my experiments.

Yet Another Eye

There is something amazing about the human eye that intrigues me so. I studied biology and loved the science and studied art and loved the look. so don't be surprised to find more eye drawings on the blog.

Lead pencil 12/2010

Friday, 25 February 2011


       I love drawing and I am very confident that I'm pretty good at it. lately I have been experimenting with different mediums and loving it. This is no ones eye in particular just a simple and spontaneous eye, I created and drew.

White and black charcoal on black paper 2/2011